Engineers week 2018 – Launched in IT Tallaght 24th Feb – 2nd March 2018
Peng Lim, Xilinx and MIDAS Education Sub Committee Lead introduces 2nd Level students to a career in Electronics and related Technologies.
Peng Lim, Xilinx and MIDAS Education Sub Committee Lead introduces 2nd Level students to a career in Electronics and related Technologies.
Irish chipmaker DecaWave has announced 100 new jobs over the next three years following the closing of a $30 million (€24.4 million) funding round.
ISS Europe 2018Dublin, Ireland
4-6 March 2018
“An Overview of the Semiconductor Industry”, its newest Thought Report..
“Innovations in Electronics – Enabling a Bright Future”
Congratulations to Prof. Maurice Whelan.
“Innovations in Electronics – Enabling a Bright Future”
Thanks for the Support from the Limerick Chamber Skillnet network, Damien Walsh, MIDAS Irl Training Chair and Anne Morris, Limerick Chamber Skillnet.
Congratulations to the winning team of the MIDAS Ireland Hackathon.
Congratulations to the finalists from ITT and IT Carlow.