MIDAS Ireland Hackathon – Saturday 14th Oct 2017.
Venue: The Heritage at Killenard, Co. Laois.Theme – Encourage Children to do Sport – Using Electronics to promote Activities.
Venue: The Heritage at Killenard, Co. Laois.Theme – Encourage Children to do Sport – Using Electronics to promote Activities.
A total of €610 was raised for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. The Table Quiz took place in Limerick,Cork and Galway on 14th Sept 2017.
Thursday Sept 14th 2017 @ 8pm3 Cities -One Night only
Cork –The Market Tavern
Galway–Crowes Bar
After much deliberation, the shortlist for the 3rd level MIDAS Electronic Project competition (sponsored by Analog Devices) has now been announced.
Congratulations on an excellent achievement.
We wish the team the very best of luck at the CanSat European Final in Germany.
We will announce the 3 runners up in August/Sept 2017.
They will go on and represent Ireland at the Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at Bremen University, Germany from 28 June to 2 July 17
Aiming to drive innovation and excellence in electronic and microelectronic design and development.
Congratulations to all 3 finalists from NUIG, IT Carlow and ITT Dublin.