Business opportunities in Latin America – ELAN Networks

Date & Time
September 19th, 2016 9:00am - February 5th, 2025 4:00pm

Booking Link

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Host Contact Details

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ELAN Network, coordinated by TECNALIA and financed by the EC, is the European and Latin American network for the co-generation and development of technology-based business opportunities (TBBO) between European and Latin American enterprises, SMEs in especial. It brings together key European and Latin American research and innovation actors (R&I), who promote technology based transformation processes and economic growth.

The ELAN Network supports Research and Innovation (R&I) actors for the identification of opportunity areas and the creation of partnerships between the European Union and Latin American actors, to transfer technology and generate technology-based business opportunities. To generate these technology based business opportunities, the project is open to any technology area but focus on:

• Renewable Energies
• Biotechnology & Bioeconomy
• Environmental Technologies
• Health • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
• Nanotechnologies
• New Materials

The ELAN Network runs during 2015, 16 and 17, and is organizing a large number of meetings and business opportunities matching events in different countries. The current list includes the following events to be organised during September to November 2016.

Costa Rica, 19-21 Sept. ICT for Environment, Health and High Performance Computing
Peru, 3-4 Oct. Sustainable cities: achieving efficiency in the city
Colombia, 5-7 Oct. Biotechnology, a space for articulation of challenges, skills and ICT
Chile, 26-28 Oct. Health & well-being: A new way of eating
Brazil, 7-9 Nov. Building Business Opportunities in Brazil in Renewable Energy, ICT & Health

Full schedule of events:

These events are the perfect occasion to identify opportunities, needs and niches in the Latin American markets for EU technology transfer, as well as a space for networking and collaboration between EU and non EU partners to build joint research projects. Feedback from already carried out events has been very positive.
Against this backdrop, we would like to invite Silicon Europe to attend the most suitable events and to profit from this opportunity to enlarge your contact networks to promote research and innovation projects and technology transfer. Additional information about this event is available on the website. We believe that these events are interesting for Silicon Europe from several points of view,
– For you or some other representative of Silicon Europe as a whole, as well as your member clusters
– For your member enterprises and/or R&I organizations, for which purpose we would appreciate it if you could distribute this information to them
We would be glad to be of any help, and look forward to meeting you there.

