ISO26262 Automotive Safety Introduction Webinar

Start date: 07 October 2021

Duration: 1 hour, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Location: Online webinar

Certificate: N/A

Cost: Free, limit on # participants per company

Course code: N/A

Programme overview

Automotive Functional Safety, ISO 26262, has gained importance in the recent years with the advent of the Electric Vehicle and Autonomous Vehicle market. This 60 minute webinar is intended as an introduction (for non-experts) to the ISO26262 Automotive Functional Safety standard which applies to new automotive product development, including ICs within those products.

Learning outcomes

Training goals are to:

• Gain an overview of the ISO26262 Functional Safety standard
• Become familiar with some of the terminology defined within the standard

Who is the course for?

Managers and engineers who are not experts in ISO26262, but wish to become more familiar with the requirements of this automotive functional safety standard and the associated terminology.


Automotive Functional Safety, ISO 26262, has gained importance in the recent years with the advent of the Electric Vehicle and Autonomous Vehicle market. It is a vast subject with 13 different standards broken down into a general functional safety section and then followed by functional safety in system, hardware, software, manufacturing and support processes.

This 60 minute webinar will provide an easy to understand overview of Functional Safety for the Semiconductor Industry. The presentation will also simply explain the different terminologies of Functional Safety for non-experts. We will also cover what parts of ISO 26262 relate to Semiconductors and what organizations are currently doing in regards to Functional Safety.

Trainer Profile

Dr. Juan Pimentel is an Omnex consultant with extensive Engineering, Safety and Cybersecurity experience. Prior to joining Omnex he was a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kettering University. His knowledge and experience includes applied research, product development, safety and cybersecurity assessment and assurance. In the automotive domain he has performed consulting and developed courses based on ISO 26262 and ISO/PAS 21448 particularly for electric vehicles (EVs) and automated vehicles (AVs).

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